When install svci 2020 software on Win7 32bit system, it failed to load software and gave error:
“Connection Error: Interface not connected!
If you have already connected the interface, please try to reconnect it and restart the application.
The interface should be connected with a car. ”
Possible reason:
The usb driver is not compatible with windows system.
This problem will not occur if you install svci 2019 or svci 2020 software in win10 64bit professional.
The main reason is that the USB driver version is too low. By default, v2.12.28 version driver will be installed in the system, but this version driver cannot be successfully installed due to system reasons.
The solution is to update the USB drive v2.8.24 to v2.12.28.
Download link:
USB driver v2.12.28-x86
USB driver v2.12.28-x64
Download USB FTDI v2.12.28 driver above and extract to desktop
- Update USB Serial Port COM4 & COM5
Go to computer device manager to check USB driver version
Right click on USB Serial Port COM4-Property
COM4 USB driver version is too low
Right click COM4 to select Search for the driver software on your computer
Choose driver software destination folder, replace COM4 FTDI driver in C:Users/Desktop/CDM v2.12.28 WHQL Certified_X64/ftdiport
Update COM4 Port driver succeed
COM4 driver update to
Follow same step to update COM5 USB driver
- Update USB Serial Converter A & B
In Device manager, we need also update Controller USB (Universal Serial Bus). Update USB Serial Converter A and USB Serial Converter B
USB Serial Converter A version is too low
Right click to select Search for the driver software on your computer
Choose to install and replace driver in C:Users/Desktop/CDM v2.12.28 WHQL Certified_X64/ftdibus
Update USB Serial Converter A driver succeed
Follow same step to update USB Serial Converter B
Now SVCI 2020 software is ready to use.
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