Here comes the problem:
I am working on a BMW C6 CAS3++ ISTAP all keys lost. Program is asking for DME ISN and Autel is only reading 4-digit isn which I have read via OBD and got ISN code 86F5.
But Autel IM608 is asking for 32bit value for ISN.
Any idea how to convert this or it there another way to red ISN from engine ECU.
Bmw X6 Engine Ecu Cas3
Autel Im608 Bmw Cas3 Istap X6
BMW Explorer can calculate SK from short ISN. Autel cannot. You can bench EDC17’s with Autel.
Some CAS+ uses short ISN (i.e X5 CAS3+). CAS3+ istap isn is much longer.
That ECU is EDC17CP02. You can read ecu type by ecu number.
How to bench read CAS3++ istap 32-digit ISN by im608 (im508 xp400 pro)?
Go to IMMO- BMW- Engine- Direct
Then check Quick entrance
Identify ECU type by input 10 digits bosch ECU number
Select EDC17CP02 TC1766
Check the operation guide and wiring diagram
Bench it and follow prompts to read 32-digit ISN code.
More information about autel scanner, please visit https://www.obd2tool.com
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