ODIS Software V7.1.1 Free Download
Steps to install VAS5054A ODIS Windows 10 64bit
Possible to install VAS5054A ODIS on Windows 10 64 bit system?
Replied by a fellow at the mhh forum:
i don´t know if ODIS works on win10 because i never test it, but i did test the VAS5054 64bit PASSTHRU
drivers on win10 PRO, and as the picture show, it is working and was detected by ForScan.
If ODIS install on Windows 10 than it will also work with the 5054 together with this drivers as a PassThru interface.
Some people report error installing this drivers on win10, for me they install and are working,
maybe different versions of win10 (or after updates) give that errors.
One more update, ODIS 5.0.3 on same Win10 64bit with Vas5054 as PassThru,
the 64bit drivers are the ones on this thread.
I try just to see if works, but i don´t advise as win10 give many error at start, and also
i have to make several attempts to finally see it open with no mistakes or error.
This way you can use 64bit Windows (Win 7 is the best) to install ODIS,
and still be able to use your old and “fantastic” Vas5054 interface as PassThru.
Attach odis release notes:
What should we do if VAS5054A cannot be installed on Windows 10?
In a native way ODIS software it’s not working on Windows 10 (with VAS5054A head).
The “problem” is not with the drivers.
If you install PDU alone on win10, the device is accessible and the drivers working properly. There is no problem with the drivers i guess. Odis 3.0.3 is working with win10 without any problem with older drivers native way. This is why i think, there is no problem with the drivers.
What i assume is that VAG is starting to make vas5054 useless, because of the lot of clone devices. VAG will make every garage buy the new head and cut the vas5054 support from Odis. After 2020 there won’t be 5054 support and they say because of win7 support is over… It is all about business i guess…
Odis is a huge java code monster. What can be unsupported via java vm with win10 what can be supported on win7?
Here, i collected good tips on the web for you all. About ODIS and Win 7 Win 10 install. Hope it helps.
Odis install on Windows 7 or Windows 10?
Tip 1: install sw, connect 5054a head, install driver, run odis
No need any settings
After install, connect your vas5054a in OBD and USB, install driver.
Open your Odis! All will work
Tip 2: Windows 7 x64, not windows 10
True, but only on win7 x64 not win 10 x64
“Windows 10 only supports the new diagnostic interface VAS 6154 (known as the WLAN remote head). Users of the older models VAS 5054, VAS 5054A and VAS 5055 can continue to use the Windows 7 i.do client on existing systems until 2019 or acquire the Windows 7 i.do. client from IT Client Support for replacement devices. The new diagnostic interface can be used with both operating systems. Please place any necessary orders with Workshop Equipment in good time.”
Tip 3: a clean Windows 7 is the best way
I will prefer you to use windows 7 for all the diagnostic devices, this is because of the security of the windows 10. The best way to get a good working diagnostic program is to have one and only laptop for this. A clean windows 7 i are the best way, but this is only my experience
odis-e,-s on same laptop, Windows x64? x86?
Tip 1: odis-e odis-s same laptop, x64 better
Both odis e and odis s can work together on same laptop partition. no problem. For newer versions will be better x64.
Tip 2: x86 much better, no lack of functionality
x86 is soooo much better since there is no any lack of the functionality for any kind of driver of ur laptop , I test both x86 is better and u can install both yes ODIS-S and ODIS-E
Tip 3: on Windows 7 x64, perfect
Works perfectly on Windows 7 x64, I have Engineering 7.2.2, Service 4.1.4 and Service 4.2.3 in same partition and no problem, if you execute any of them in Windows 10 you won’t be able to select vas5054a.
Tip 4: on Windows 7 64bit works very well
I installed on win7 64bit and it installed and I added the update file from the download, starts and works very well, thank you all for your guidance and comments.
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