Autel MaxiCOM MK808 is famous as an all-system diagnostic tool, but actually it supports key programming via “Immo keys” among 25 service functions. So today eobdtool is going to show you a successful case of how to add key for Ford Expedition by Autel MK808.
Let’s start it.
Turn on Autel MK808, and connect it to the vehicle.
Service>>Immo keys>>Ford>>Automatic selection>>Read
Confirm vehicle profile and enter system selection menu.
Before we program keys,
We must know it will erase all keys first for Ford, Honda, Toyota etc..
So we’d better prepare two keys at least to be programmed.
Select “PATS(Passive Anti Theft System)”, and
Insert the original key into the ignition and turn it on by prompts.
The device will start to gain security access.
This process takes about 10 minutes, and
It’s erasing the original key for allowing key programming.
Then we are in function menu.
Select “Program additional ignition key”.
Take the original key out and insert the new key into the ignition by prompts.
Press “OK” to program the new key.
Within seconds, operation success.
Done! Nice and simple!
That’s how we add a new key for Ford Expedition by Autel mk808.
More functions to be explored!
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