Abrites Avdi Interface
About the abrites avdi interface software you need to choose in model list.
If you choose toyota you can get Toyota software,HYUNDAI/ KIA GDS and TAG.
If you buy a Package like VAG+BENZ,BMW+BENZ…you can get a more software toyota. For example, you buy a vag+benz, you can get vag, benz, toyota, tag, HYUNDAI/ KIA.
If you want to buy more than two software and not the BMW+BNEZ/BMW+VAG/VAG+BENZ/VAG+BENZ+BMW..
Every model we provide free update.Update methods:Tell us your Device SN, we will send you the update paclage
AVDI Main features as following :
Compatible with all diagnostic software produced from our company
SAE J2534 compliant driver available for our interfaces
Compatible with many 3rd party diagnostic software
Supporting external communication link with transponder programmer and IC programmer
Compatibility with Toyota/Lexus/Scion Techstream
Compatibility with Honda/Acura HDS
Compatibility with Volvo VIDA
Compatibility with DAS/Xentry – Star Diagnosis
Compatibility with Ford Scanner
Compatibility with BMW – DIS over K-line and CAN bus
Compatibility with BMW – E-Sys, INPA, EDIABAS, NCS Expert, NFS over K-line and CAN bus
Compatibility with Rover/Jaguar IDS
Compatibility with Subaru Select Monitor III
Compatibility with Bombardier diagnostic software
Compatibility with GM – Tech2Win diagnostic software
Compatibility with HYUNDAI GDS
Compatibility with KIA GDS
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