Here are the most frequently-asked questions from MB SD Connect Compact 4 Star users and professional answers from engineers working for youobd2.com. Hopefully, it helps those in trouble.
Q: How to change the Xentry language?
A: Go to Setup, select Setting language, then choose a language and click on Accept.
Q: How to setup the DAS language?
A: Go to DAS Properties. In the Target, change the last two letters (which is the first two letters of the language). Then click on OK.
Q: Xenry language error: A fault has occurred.
A: Change the PC date and time to be the same as the Xentry version.E.g. Your Xentry is version 2015.09, you need set up 2015.09.05 on your PC.
Q: Fault (30.3) pops up after DAS activation. No valid DAS license; DAS will now be closed.
A: Go to local disk C:/programme files/Mercedes-Benz/StartKeyCenter2; find our StartKeyCenter.exe.
If DAS doesn’t expire, just change the bin file in C:/programme files/Mercedes-Benz/DAS
If DAS expires, you need Lan-id to activate DAS
Q: Xentry cannot run, the icon displays then disappears.
A: Change the PC date and time to be the same as the Xentry version;
If it does not work, replace the bin file in C:/programme files/Mercedes-Benz/DAS (the bin file differs from Xentry versions)
If all above fails, send the Mercedes software hard disk to the vendor to re-copy files.
Q: MB SD connect c4 firmware files are lost and WIFI cannot be set up.A: It means your sd connect firmware files are deleted and you need update sd c4 firmware.
Files need to update (ORDER!!!!!!):
Sd connect c4 firmware update manual:
Step 1: Install battery
Step 2: Change file name
Step 3: Update SD Connect C4 firmware
Note: please prepare new batteries and an OBD cable for use; if it fails to connect to the vehicle, replace it with the OBD 12V power; otherwise, it would pop up error 662 (update fails.)
Q: SDconnect Tool kit appears Error 749 in Administration.Due to network problems, no connection to the SDconnect can be establish (749)No SDconnect is selected or the desired SDconnect cannot be selected
A: It results from incorrect IP setup. Please go to the network connect to WLAN set up IP:
Q: Xentry error 2221-45: No access authorization code![2221-45] No access authorization for XENTRY diagnostics was found on the server. You must contact the user help desk.
A: Go to C:/programme files/Mercedes-Benz/Xentry/fusoko/eclipse/plugins; delete the file “com.damler.xentry.diagservice_1.6.0.201607181047”
Q: Xentry cannot open for use even reopen Xentry or restart the PC after activation.No access authorization code! You must contact the user help desk.
A: Go to C:/programme data/LicDir; delete lic-key2.dat
Open StartKeyCenter on Desktip; activate Xentry
Get a new lic-key2.dat after Xentry activation; copy and paste lic-key2.dat; then rename it as “lic-key2.x4711” (setup the file properties to Read Only)
Q: EWA-NET file cannot start. HTTP Status 500-Servlet execution threw an exception.
A: Go to the Start menu, then EWA-NET Admin ToolIn EWA Admin Tool, Server, EPC, WIS all should start (if they have started yet, pls. stop and restart)Server, EPC, WIS restart, reboot the PC, then open EWA-NET to login
Q: Xenry Error (1.2)-2.503.13003:Initialization of diagnosis multiplexer failed
Possible causes:
The link between the diagnosis multiplexer an the diagnostic socket is interrupted
The link between the diagnosis multiplexer an the diagnostic unit is interrupted.
The voltage supply at the diagnostic socket (circuit30 and (or) circuit31)is fault.
Note:When using SD connect c4 multiplexer, check the connection status using the Toolkit.
A: check the connection of the cable and the car;
Then check the wired&wireless IP setup
Then check the Mercedes software; it’s MB SD C4 software, not Star C3
If all ok, it may result from the SD connect c4 mux or the cable
BIG THANKS to engineers at Youobd2.com
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